Drchamploo - Burning Blossom - Aviary Bridge Records

Drchamploo – Burning Blossom

Drchamploo – Burning Blossom (Aviary Bridge Records)

Mal wieder was neues von Aviary Bridge Records: Drchamploo – Burning Blossom. Der französische Beatschmied gibt mit dieser EP sein superbes Debüt beim niederländischen Label. Die 6 Tracks bieten instrumentale Langsamkeit von seiner besten Seite. Noch chilliger wäre kaum auszuhalten. Die jazzige Lo-Fi EP kann man sich bei Bandcamp in digitaler Form als „name your price“ Download / Stream abholen.

Viel Spass beim reinhören!

Trackliste – Burning Blossom

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1. Northern Light 03:10
2. Onto the Shore 02:30
3. Wild Growth 04:06
4. Behind Clouds 02:41
5. Light Beam 02:28
6. Bloom 01:42

»Drchamploo has been composing for the past five years, during which time he has released four EPs: “Contemplations”; “Urban Waves” and “Groovebox” (Vols. 1 & 2) as well as composing for film, TV and video games. Aviary Bridge are thrilled that he’s now releasing his first solo EP with them, having already featured him on many of their compilation albums. His music fits nicely into the Lofi Hip Hop genre with lots of Jazz elements. “Burning Blossom” is a great chillout album where the smooth, jazzy vibes rest effortlessly amongst sultry sax sounds and groovy beats that are at the same time comforting, yet nostalgic. Drchamploo’s musician’s ear is also evident as the production standard is flawless. A must have!«

released May 17, 2018
Production, Mastering, Artwork: Sylvain Brehaut

1 Kommentar zu “Drchamploo – Burning Blossom

  1. bÄyz

    Sehr geiles Teil! Schadde, dass es nur digital verfügbar ist.

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